Inspired by playfulness I use quilting to awaken the memory of special moments in my life. My subject matter reflects the way I see the world; passionate, energetic and unique.I constantly seek new environments which allow me freedom to explore, and continually expose me to stimulus, as well as offer me time to reflect and be inspired. The art of quilting enabled me to express my ideas and utilize all facets of my artistic ability.
This is the first thing I had ever sewn. I created her over 45 years ago and my mom still has this sweet little relic!
A legend had been passed to me with undocumented stats that my Great-Grandmother, Mary (Gajewski) Dotski had created a handmade quilt for each of her ### grandchildren & a crocheted afghan & pillow set for each of the great-grandchildren. Rough estimate would be well over 50 and likely many, many more. Anyhow, I still have the the set I was given. Although I wish I still had one of the thousand of crocheted chickens,I often think of the mini-crocheted masterpieces she along with my maternal grandparents made in the early to mid 70’s. When I was a little girl these little treasures protected our Easter eggs at the annual Easter basket blessings.
I always felt that items such as paintings, quilts, afghans, simply stated anything created by hand is a legacy we leave to future generations. I want to create legacies.

My maternal grandmother, Virginia F, & paternal grandmother, Olga, were both inspiration to this very young seamstress.
I was awe inspired by Grandma “M’s” sewing room and cutting table (aka Pool Table). She showed my how to use patterns and that amazing little roller thingy that cut holes in carbon paper to mark tucks, darts and button holes, the hem measuring tool, pinking sheers and that “magical” button box. It was all very exciting to me, young “dawnche”.(This is what both she and my grandfather called me.)
Grandma F was the queen of Raggedy Ann and Andy. The legend of Grandma F is etched into my brain as such: throughout her lifetime and using her faithful Elna sewing machine; she made over 200 sets of rag dolls. Who am I to doubt it?
My set of dolls still watch over every move I make in my sewing room. Grandma was meticulous in her stitching. Hems were invisible and seams were perfect. I still don’t know how she did it but she barely needed an iron to flatten a wrinkled shirt. My most precious gift from her was that she did all the alterations to my wedding dress.
While I am sharing all these little secrets; I need to mention one other person. Just so you know, anything and everything I do in my sewing room is the result of some type of angelic interaction. I don’t know how I ended up being the keeper of my great Aunt Phoebe’s last portrait, but I am,
At the young age of 19, she was tragically killed by a street car in Detroit, Michigan (truth or legend; this is the way I recall the story) Anyhow, my Great-Aunt Phoebe Niedjelski watches every move I make in my sewing room.
She is always present.